10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes You Need To Avoid In 2020

Friday, February 14, 2020  |

Digital Marketing Mistakes | seo services kolkata

If used wisely and effectively digital marketing can yield great benefits for your business. However, every business person usually commits certain mistakes when it comes to digital marketing. You may have done some of them too. However, you need not worry about it. We are going to discuss some of the most common digital marketing mistakes, by avoiding which you can improve your ROI (Return on Investment) from marketing efforts and grow your business. You can contact any digital marketing agency Kolkata, India in this regard.


The most common digital marketing mistakes you need to be aware of are discussed in this section.

Setting unrealistic Goals

To achieve your business goals through effective use of digital marketing you need to set up goals in short, medium and long-term. However, as many businesses overestimate the potential of digital marketing, they end up committing one of the biggest mistakes i.e. setting up unachievable goals. Besides, many of them expect all their website visitors to turn into sales. In this situation, when they compare the result they achieve using digital marketing to the goals they have in mind, they become unsure of the effectiveness of digital marketing. Hence, it is important to understand how this form of marketing can help their business, by observing the past trends and their competitors, so that they can set up an achievable goal for their businesses. You can also hire agencies offering digital marketing services Kolkata for the same.

Lack of website marketing

Towards the growth of any business, first one needs to develop a website for the said brand or business. However, amidst numerous business websites operating in the same field as you are, it can be difficult to find your website. As a result, it is highly unlikely that your audience will stumble upon your website without any form of promotion.

For this purpose, you need to carry out marketing for your website to reach your target audience, generate leads and achieve your business goal i.e. improve business conversions. As many businesses fail to understand the importance of website promotion, they fail to reach potential customers and spread brand awareness.

Ignoring mobile users

As the number of mobile users has increased, the demand to create mobile responsive websites has also increased. Most of the mobile users admitted that they spend a lot of time on their mobiles browsing various websites as well as shopping on various apps. Poor mobile experience can cause these users to leave the site even before they understand what the businesses offer. Hence, you must take note of improving your website experience to mobile users. Also, if applicable, you can develop apps for your websites to provide them better user experience. Many agencies offering mobile app development services India can help you in developing mobile applications for your website.

Not using Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Failing to understand the importance of SEO is also one of the common mistakes businesses commit in terms of digital marketing. SEO is important in improving your ranking on search results. The higher your ranking would be the easier your target audience can find you. Besides a well-optimized website will encourage the audience to spend more time on them which would also improve their rankings. Additionally, you also need to include relevant keywords and phrases on your website, so that your site would be easily visible to the people who use those phrases to search the product and services you offer. Agencies offering SEO services Kolkata, India can help you in this aspect.

Not including blogs on your website

Another of the common digital marketing mistakes, many businesses usually commit is not including blogs on their website. In this regard, it is important to note that blogs are one of the most effective ways of improving your website traffic. Besides, it also allows you to establish communication with your prospective customers. It is also strongly advised that whenever someone leaves a comment on your blog, you should always reply. This will further help in improving your business image to your audience which is beneficial for your business in the long-run. You can also promote your blog posts on your other social media profiles.

Not including call-to-actions

Call-to-actions are effective tools for improving your business conversions. These features create a feeling of urgency and you can encourage your audience into taking action by wisely using them. If you have an e-commerce site, you can publish offers and discounts in driving your audience into making a purchase. So not including these features can be one of the huge digital marketing mistakes that a business can commit. Ecommerce development company Kolkata can develop suitable e-commerce websites as per your business need and can include the necessary call-to-action button accordingly.

Targeting everyone

One of the common digital marketing mistakes that many businesses commit is that they fail to target the right audience. As a result, even if their digital marketing strategies help in driving more traffic to their website, it might not be reflected in sales. Once you determine, who your target audience is, you can take appropriate steps in reaching them and encouraging them to avail of your products and services. Any digital marketing agency Kolkata can guide you in determining the target audience for your business and develop effective strategies in reaching them.

Spending only on Paid Advertising 

While paid advertising offers various benefits, none of them is long-lasting. They are effective in driving the right audience to your website and you can easily calculate ROI for this form of advertising. However, you should also include other advertising strategies rather than solely depending on this method. You can also focus on improving landing page, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing as well as email marketing while developing marketing strategies for your brand. These methods might take time to reflect benefits. However, we are not suggesting you avoid paid advertising. Depending on your business requirement, you can determine which marketing or advertising method will suit your needs. Organizations involved in digital marketing services Kolkata can help you in formulating effective marketing strategies for your business.

Lack of investment in the right tools or resources

Digital marketing is a huge and complex field. It comprises of various factors, and one simply cannot have expertise in all aspects of digital marketing. For this reason, you need to hire an agency or organization that appoints people with various skill sets to collaborate in all your marketing efforts. You also need the right tools to carry out the job.

Personalized communication

As mentioned earlier, blogs published on your website presents you with an opportunity to establish better communication with your customer. For every reply, they leave on your blog posts, a personalized reply will help in improving this relationship. It can help in improving your website ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs) as well.

Besides, people who have subscribed on your website, you can send them regular newsletters or online birthday card to create a more informal approach. This can further help in developing brand loyalty among your customers.

Additionally, if your customers took the time to leave their feedback on your website on other posts shared on your various social media account, you must express your appreciation by replying to them. This can help you reap benefits in the long run.

Therefore, you can consult any digital marketing agency India to find out digital marketing solutions for the growth of your business.


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