7 Biggest Technology Trends In 2020 you need to know

Tuesday, February 11, 2020  |

Technology Trends | web development company India

The world has witnessed massive innovations in technology in the last few years. These include the growth of social robots, new trends of voice search and even automated or intelligent personal assistants. A heavy deployment of AI and chatbots has also been noticed. It is expected that 2020 is going to bring us a lot more in terms of technology trends.

In this situation, both individuals, as well as businesses, must get their knowledge updated regarding these upcoming trends. Learning and understanding these trends will help them to prepare so that they could take advantage of the opportunities.


The technology trends that are expected to dominate the New Year 2020 are discussed in this section.

Mobile Commerce

As far as technology is concerned ‘Mobile Commerce’ is not a new concept. We all have experience of using our phones for online shopping and paying with the help of different smart apps such as Google Wallet and Apple Pay. However, using the same mode of payment in physical stores is expected to gain prominence in this next year. It has already been in practice in the major cities in China. The use of smart apps such as WeChat and Alipay with QR codes has helped in making lives cardless and cashless. These form of technology trends are expected to become more popular and prevalent in 2020. Organizations involved in mobile apps development India are likely to develop more such applications in the current year. The use of these apps is likely to affect the battery life of our smartphones. However, that can be taken care of separately.

Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS)

Combining Software as a service (SaaS) business model and Artificial Intelligence services can help in improving its accessibility to the masses without causing a big dent on your wallet. While AI advancement is noticed in some fields, some other areas are lagging including speech recognition. Various existing AI provider companies offer services such as processing-intensive GPU.

Some tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and others are offering machine learning as well as training solutions. 2020 is likely to witness more growth in specific AI tasks that are offered on subscription.

5G data networks

5G data networks have already made their way in the list of technology trends. Various telecommunication service providers have introduced 5G data networks. If you are an existing user, you can expect a lot more from this network in the next year. Despite the concern expressed by the experts regarding the effects of 5G on human health, the tidal wave of 5G continues to roll. You can expect a simpler set up process and increased bandwidth in 20202. Besides, the 5G network is also expected to facilitate the use of drones and driverless cars for rapid and smoother communication, which is an essential feature of futuristic cities.

Prescriptive Analysis

With the growth of data analytics products, prescriptive analysis has become a much sought after topic. Till now analytic tools have focused mostly on predictive and descriptive analysis. A better arrangement and representation of historic data is expected that would help in a better understanding of the changes at hand. Based on this, we can make better predictions about future events and behaviors. Healthcare and oil and gas sectors have already embraced Prescriptive Analytics. In 2020, many other sectors are expected to adopt this widely.

Tech growth in Mid-Market

When we discuss the growth and decline in the technology sector, we meant mostly in terms of tech giants or large companies. This approach is expected to change as tech growth in mid-market business is piquing interest. This has a lot of potential in terms of growth and even investors have come to realize the same. As the investors are slowly getting grips on how to own, operate and invest in emerging online businesses, we have started to notice the reports on the potential of the mid-market sector.

The collapse of alternative Cryptocurrency

Irrespective of whether you consider Bitcoin to be the future of money or it is a fraudulent scheme, no one can deny that Bitcoin is currently dominating the crypto market. It holds about 69% of the market share. With a surge in the price over the last few months, a question has arisen whether Bitcoin can be a new form of digital gold.

In 2020, the practical application of Blockchain technology is likely to be noticed in intellectual property, healthcare, asset management, and many other sectors. We need to wait and watch whether Bitcoin and Blockchain can make radical changes in our ways of living.

Decline of applications

The next problem to solve for companies is finding and downloading apps. This might come as a surprise to the investors considering the huge investment they made for developing apps. Many people believe that making the apps accessible from a cloud or scrapping them together for progressive web apps might be a cost-effective option for all the people involved.

The technology trends discussed above are only among the few that are expected to rule in 2020. No matter what other technology trends witnessed in 2020 apart from these, the coming year will be interesting for all the major tech organizations as well as the budding entrepreneurs.

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