9 Digital Marketing Trends You Shouldn’t Miss to Follow in 2019

Thursday, December 6, 2018  |

digital marketing trends 2019It’s already December of 2018.

If you don’t start to pack your gear now, you may get stuck to bring profit to your business.

Update your knowledge. Know what digital marketing strategies can rule 2019. We’ve listed few digital marketing trends that may dominate the coming year. Read on to learn.

Digital Marketing Trends of 2019

Artificial Intelligence or AI

AI is changing the digital marketing world immensely. AI can analyze search patterns, customers’ behavior, and use data from different social media platforms. All these analyses help the businesses to target their audience easily. As such, genuinely interested visitors visit their website. For example, you can optimize your customer support service with the help of Facebook messenger bots. Obviously, this helps to accelerate ROI while saving expenditures.


The integration of advanced technology will increase the use of Chatbots, which is one of the important digital marketing trends. It’s because people can solve their inquiries by interacting with chatbots and get answers directly without waiting. As they’re accessible round the clock, visitors will prefer to use them than downloading an app for the same. According to a recent survey, near about 1.4billion people interact with chatbots. So, if you’re planning to use it, you’re likely to get huge visitors from across the world.


Most business owners have included video marketing in their digital marketing strategies. And, this digital marketing strategy is not going to fade away in the coming year too. Approximately, 52% of customers say that they watch videos before buying products online. Not just consider YouTube. Facebook live videos are also on the rise. You can create a video and post it on various social media platforms and video sharing sites.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising is buying of ads using software. It can help you to target the audiences more specifically. As the ad automation is done quickly and efficiently, it cuts down the cost of customers’ acquisition. Moreover, it will help you to generate huge revenue.

Voice Search

Did you know 3.5billion searches are performed using Voice search daily? Surprising, isn’t it? Whether it be Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant, the evolution of these voice searches has made searching a time-saving and easy option. Just work hard to make sure that Google is showing your page when someone inquires using your keyword.

Visual Search

If you think voice search is on the rise, hit the brake. Visual Search is giving a tough competition to it. It is creating seamless users’ experience. When the users upload an image for getting more info about it, Visual Search will give more accurate results. Pinterest has included search tool, Lens to enable the users to take a snapshot of the product. The Lens will then tell them from where to buy that product by searching. Besides, it will also suggest similar products. All these will help your users to take a profitable decision.

Social Messaging App

Social messaging app is no longer only used for sending emojis in your circle but also for doing digital marketing of companies. Near about 2 billion messages are sent on Facebook messenger for business purposes. This data is showing the skyrocketing popularity of social messaging app. Use them to directly message your customers and prospective customers. Such apps give personalized services. As a result, your customers will feel special and buy your offerings.

Virtual and Augmented Realities

Getting engaged and actively participating in promoting a brand are the two main things users want today. And in doing that, virtual and augmented reality is playing an essential role. Online businesses are using it tremendously to increase their brand awareness. They are also using this technology in boosting their sales. Needlessly, it is becoming a commonplace and powerful marketing tool.

Micro Moments

Your users get push notifications, emails, and ads often. Receiving them often is very irritating. At the same time, these are essential to grab your audience’ attention. However, due to the evolution of micro-moments, you still can gather their attention without disturbing. Micro-moment also tracks consumer behavior when they use a device to get immediate answer. Most of the times, these are impulsive behavior. For example, if your user is looking for ‘Where to eat now’, micro-moment will use this behavior to different restaurant owners. As such, you can keep the record of the consumer to send him notifications without delay. You can give them the information they need at the right time.

Digital marketing trends change every year. You’ve to keep yourself prepared by knowing them beforehand. Do extensive research on them. Implement them in such a way that it will bring profit to your business. However, you can contact a reliable digital marketing company like Complete Web Graphics. Click on to know how their help will promote your brand.

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