Follow These 8 UX Design Principles to Let Your App Convert

Thursday, January 7, 2021  |

UX design principles

With the upsurge of the mobile application in the modern-day scenario, the mobile market has become a tough place to stick around and get the exposure business owners are looking for. With applications like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Amazon, it’s become almost impossible to launch your app and get the limelight!

But don’t lose hope! It’s difficult but not impossible! The competition may be at its peak and unique ideas may not be found anywhere now, but a basic market demand is surely waiting for you to explore that is clear to everybody. Each and every mobile app designer and developer is preferring the idea of delivering an unparalleled user experience through the apps they develop.

In order to serve such a level of user experience, one needs to follow some UX design principles that would help in getting users’ attention and have them converted into customers.

So, if you have already decided to enter the mobile market but are confused about where to start from, this article will be the best help that you can never ignore. You can even consult a mobile app development company India in this regard. Here, in this article, we would look into different mobile UX design principles and will guide you throughout the process to get more user engagement and conversion.

Avoid ‘One Size Fits All’ Strategy

The most important thing you need to remember while working on your mobile UX is that the ‘One Size Fits All’ strategy does not apply here! Yes, that’s true! According to some proficient Website designer, the UX design of a mobile app should always have a device-specific approach. Each and every smartphone comes with many differences such as the OS (iOS or Android), sizes, and shapes. This difference would surely bring a major impact on the design elements you choose and how they appear on the screen.

For instance, the iOS devices never have a back button on the phone but the Android ones do! This straightly denotes that the application you design cannot be designed in a way that it can only be navigated backward with a back button of the phone. Whereas in Android, you can keep this functionality as the Android handsets do have a back button on the phone in general.

Minimal Design

Many UI/UX designers still believe that if an app has many elements it will add to the chances of success which is completely opposite to reality! The implementation of too many components into the app design would make it nothing but weighty, awkward, dull, and unappealing to the users who are seeing it. With the excessive number of elements in the application, the users would feel difficulty in understanding the core functionality of the app and the elements. Thus, the users would fail to understand how to perform an action on the app and they will end up exiting which is the last thing you want!

So, when you try to get an app developed, the aspect you need to put your focus on is incorporating as few elements as possible along with the icons and logos they are familiar with.

Start Experimenting with Colors

The color you choose to use on your mobile application is powerful enough to make or break your application and its success in the future. The colors can either add life to your application and set a tone and mood for user stimulation or it can make the users unwilling to use your app and lead them to leave the application. In a nutshell, the colors are the elements of your mobile application that can alter the emotions of the users interacting with it. The colors may decide whether the users are going to head to your app or they are going to find another replacement for your application. So, experiment with different colors for your application and settle with the ones that impress all and serve the purpose of your app!

When it comes to the color selection for your application, experimenting with the combination of colors and comprehending the emotions a particular color can replicate is not enough! You also need to do a bit more research on the industry and take out the data which informs you of the colors that generally do well.

Get into the Users’ Shoes

While you are designing an application (especially, the UX design), there’s a principle you need to follow – you need to think like a user! If you do so, you will be able to feel the ease of understanding their approach, psychology, requirements, outlooks, and the mandatory aspects that they struggle with during the time of interacting with your application or with any other.

With these things in mind, you will be equipped to present an application with the right guidance to explore the possibilities and present the right components required in your application. In simpler words, you need to design and develop an application that your audience wants, not the one you like to present.

Personalized Content

Personalization has become an immensely important factor for mobile UX design in recent years. Growing investment in mobile app development is wonderful news but that has called for skyrocketing competition as well! Thus, personalization is the only way to win the heart of your audience and dethrone your competitors.

Thus, never skip a single scope to personalize the experience of your valuable users. Include the personalization features like GPS, Machine Learning, foretelling analytics, etc. in your application which can detect the user behavior and deliver the customized services which would certainly prompt the users to take a decision optimistic for you. Moreover, an app with proper UX should always give the users the liberty to select the type of content they are willing to see at the time variation of their choice so that they stick to your mobile app for a long time.

Simplicity Makes Sense

If your mobile application is designed simply, it would always help you get more conversions than those designs that are complex. Often designers have the perception that only the complex and overly creative designs can convert users. But that is totally wrong since users are not here to appreciate your sense of art! Rather they are here to take a service/product, and your design should persuade them and encourage them to take the decision in the least time possible. Visitors always prefer organized content where they can browse through the design and content.

The total time taken by the app users to make a decision depends on the total number of choices they have. So, if you give all sorts of choices on a single page at once, it will do nothing but puzzle them, which will result in a decreasing conversion rate. Make your mobile app simple and sophisticated, and that’s the only way to succeed.

Motivate Your Users

Your design needs to keep motivating the users to take your services/products. Not only should it tell what your business has to offer, but it should also simplify the reasons for them to choose you over the others. Compared to the websites, it is easy to do in the mobile apps since an installation denotes a certain level of interest of the users in your app. However, you still need to guide your users in the right direction and stimulate them to make the ‘right’ decision.

The content, functionality, and style – all will have their roles in the motivation process. One of the greatest weapons you have in this process is your content! Content marketing is booming and buzzing at the moment. You need to make sure you’re taking advantage of it. Convey your business USPs (Unique Selling Points) to your app users so that they understand why your business is such an outstanding option for them. All these will help you motivate your users.

Offer Interactivity

In order to achieve an optimum UX design, you have to provide your users with some sort of interactivity in your app. Everyone loves to interact, and you need to utilize this emotion to your benefit. For instance, if you offer a quick quiz or a game that would help your users get some more information or benefits, they would love to stay on your app for longer. And the longer they stay, the more the chances are that they will make a beneficial decision for you.

Interactive elements play a pivotal role in conversion, and when you subtly provide such interaction, it helps you get the much-needed attention of your users. As mentioned above, gamification is an effective way to have your users interact. However, visualization and even AR/VR are some other way you can keep your users glued.

Summing Up

So, these are the finest UX design principles you need to follow in order to get your app the right conversion it deserves. Your UX Design should always keep the audience first and that’s how you can see the success and enjoy it. The first and foremost thing you should do is to consult a proficient mobile app development company India that has the right experience to get an app developed for your business that offers conversion and results.

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