Low Mobile Ecommerce Conversion: 7 Reasons and How to Boost it

Friday, April 26, 2019  |

Mobile ecommerce

Is your mobile eCommerce site isn’t converting as expected?

Are you getting enough traffic but most of them are leaving the site without buying?

Whatever it is, it will upset the overall profit percentage.

So, what should be your take on this?

Your mobile eCommerce site optimization can lift the conversion rate a bit. But, before you proceed to focus on it, find out what actually is causing the problem.

The common factors affecting mobile eCommerce conversion rate are discussed below. Check it out.

  1. Your Site isn’t Visually Appealing: One common reason for not getting enough conversion ate may be your website isn’t appealing to the visitors. The website may fail to satisfy the needs of your traffic. If you’re getting traffic but the bounce rate is high, focus on resolving the design issues.

Consider these factors while optimizing your website.

  • Low-Quality Search: Check whether your visitors are getting the information they’re looking for. If not, they won’t be going forward to buy anything from you.
  • Overloaded with Options: The visitors get confused when they see too many options in the ‘Filter’ and ‘Sort’ section. Keep it simple.
  • Poor Navigation: Make sure that your most searched products or exclusive offerings are easy to spot.
  1. Don’t Know Your Audience: Do you know who your customers are? Set your marketing strategies to target the right people. Otherwise, your conversion rate will suffer. Therefore, dig into your web analytics to know what your audiences want when they visit your site. Keep an eye on their sharing and posts on social media as well as their reviews to get an idea of your market.
  2. Low-Resolution Product Images: Many mobile friendly eCommerce sites upload low-resolution product images. Your shoppers see the product images first. So, the clearer your item’s images are, the more your traffic is likely to convert. To spike up the conversion rate, upload high quality product images taken from different angles.

Additional Tip: However, including product video is also a great idea to increase conversion.

  1. Too Many Elements on Pages: Focus on the bottom line while designing your pages. Don’t make the navigation menu confusing by including too many unnecessary elements. Know why people are skipping your website. Check Google Analytics.

Click on Audience →Users Flow

It will give you all the details regarding the visitors’ sessions on your website.

  1. Unclear CTA Buttons: Are your CTA buttons eye-catching? If not, work on it ASAP to not to miss your traffic. A single and clear CTA button is the key to guide visitors’ actions. Choose the color and design properly to make it appealing. Otherwise, the visitors won’t feel like hitting it.
  2. Fail to Build Shoppers’ Trust: Needless to say, trust drives sales. Maybe your visitors are not buying from you because they can’t trust you.

To build trust in them

  • Reply to all the reviews of your customers.
  • Stay away from spammy marketing.
  • Place trust seals on the website to ensure your shoppers that their bank card details will be kept confidential.
  • Upload your office address and team’s photo.
  1. Complicated Checkout Process: According to Baymard, 2/3rd of buying are passed up because of the complicated checkout process. However, you can make the process simple by
  • De-clutter the checkout page by getting rid of the unnecessary elements.
  • Keep the ordered product image at the checkout page.
  • Include the shipping charges too and make sure that there’s no hidden cost.

The Bottom Line

Now, you’ve learnt all the possible causes of low conversion rate. You can resolve the issue by hiring a professional experienced in eCommerce mobile website design. Complete Web Graphics is well-experienced in building robust eCommerce store that boosts the sales. To build yours with our help, visit

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