10 Smart Ways to Secure Your WordPress Site

Thursday, September 20, 2018  |

Secure WordPress

“The site ahead contains Malware.”

This red box warning is enough to make your heart beat faster. Getting this warning means your site is hacked. Hackers can access all your information by hacking your website.

Nowadays, most websites are created on WordPress. So, it’s important to secure WordPress site to prevent the hackers from getting inside it. To make this job easy, we’ve discussed some tricks in this blog. Start to read.

10 Smart Tricks to Secure WordPress Website


  • Switch from HTTP to HTTPS: Any reputed WordPress development company, Kolkata prefers to use HTTPS while developing a website, as the later is a more secured version. Unlike HTTP, HTTPS encrypts your data.

You should have an SSL/TLS certificate to shift your site from HTTP to HTTPS. This certificate is important to give your customers a secured website where all of their data will be encrypted without a miss.

  • Install Web Application Firewall or WAF: You surely have heard about Firewall. It is used to block unwanted attacks. You can protect your website or websites, and servers with its help.

The installed firewall keeps an eye on activities done on your website, detects malware, and blocks everything it finds suspicious.

  • Update Your Site: The latest WordPress versions can bridge the security gaps in websites developed on its older version. In this regard, the leading website development company in Kolkata says that minor updates are applied automatically. But, you have to do the major updates.

This amazing automatic updating feature is included in WordPress to make sure that your site remains secured for a long time. However, you need to update your site as soon as you find warnings on the back-end.

  • Limit Too Many Login Attempts: Hackers use ‘Brute Force’ attack to get into your website. It’s a long list of usernames and passwords created randomly to help the hackers.

Block the IPs that are trying multiple times to log into your site. If you find a user is attempting to access your site by login to your WordPress admin multiple times, lock him out immediately.

  • Give Strong Passwords: While developing your WordPress website, choose a strong password. You can change the password at any time. While your password should be easy for you to remember, it would be tough enough for the hackers to know. Use symbols and characters together. Try to make your password at least 15characters in length.
  • Avoid Premium Plugins: Never download premium plugins from just any site. It can interfere with your website’s security. Get them from sites that are selling the plugins officially.

The pioneering WordPress development company in Kolkata always avoids pirated plugins while developing clients’ website on WordPress. Premium plugins have weak codes. As a result, they easily become your website accessing source for the hackers.

  • Pick Reliable Hosting Company: Suppose, your hosting company shrugs off its responsibility when you need it the most. Won’t it be frustrating for you? And, what if your chosen hosting company has low-graded security protection? In both the cases, your website will have to suffer.

So, pick a hosting company that has real people with whom you can discuss your issue and get solutions. Your hosting company should also support the latest version of C panel, MySQL, PHP, and so on.

  • Remove PHP Error Reporting: You can detect weak spots when your site’s back-end is highly secured. You get an error message when any plugin or theme of your site isn’t working properly. PHP Error reporting is crucial to find out the error and resolve the issues without late.

But, oftentimes, your server address is included in this error reporting messages. Through these error reports, the hackers can easily hack your website. Hence, it’s better to eliminate them altogether.

  • Practice 2-Factor Authentication: Any well-known website development company in Kolkata will advise its clients to use 2-factor authentication always. In this, the user can access only when he has given the 2-login information he has.

One of these can be a code sent to his registered mobile number or email. He can get inside the site once he has typed the code sent to his email or phone. This kind of code remains valid for a very short time. As such, if the user doesn’t share it with anyone else within its validity time, then no other person can access the site using the same login information.

  • Disable Directory Browsing: If your website server couldn’t get the index.html or index.php file your user is looking for, it will open up a directory page having significant information about plugins, themes, and others. Anyone on your site can easily obtain such information through this directory browsing. So, disable your directory browsing. Here’s how you can do it.

Create a new folder. Place a text file in it. Now, use your web browser to go to the directory. Any link to the text file shows enabled directory browsing. Once you disable it, it will take you to a blank page showing ‘Page Not Found’.

The Final Thoughts

Take the security of your WordPress site seriously. Though you cannot protect your website completely from an attack, yet these steps will help you to fight potentially against the hackers. Handle such attacks successfully is stressful, especially when you’re not so tech savvy or have got a website for the first time.

In case, you’re not confident in dealing with hackers, feel free to contact us. Visit to discuss your WordPress requirements with our team.

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