Increase Your Mobile App Engagement

Friday, September 14, 2018  |

Mobile app

To develop a mobile app engaging users isn’t a ‘walk in the park.’ Just implementation of great ideas may not work here. Rather it needs proven marketing strategies to drive engagement. An app with no user is considered as a bad app. You should look for ways to increase your app’s engagement.

Mobile App Engagement Tactics

  • Impressive Introductory Page: Sometimes, we judge a book by its cover. The same happens in the case of your app too. Try to impress your users from the get go. From their very first encounter, your app must compel the users to question themselves, ‘Should I download it?’ Any experienced developer of a renowned mobile apps development company in Kolkata knows the importance of good market placing of an app page. Actually, it’s an opportunity to brandish the merits of the developed app. Availing this opportunity is crucial for the app’s success.
  • Informative Preview: Once the app is developed, answer the question, ‘Why should I use it?’ Use on boarding tool to make your answer interesting. This tool will teach your audiences why and how to use this app. To give an informative preview about the app, you can also go for custom illustrations. Always use easy-to-understand graphics for teaching.
  • Free Trial: Let your users ‘Try before buying’. Certain apps require you to sign up before allowing you to explore it. This authentication may act as a roadblock for your users to consider your app. The ‘Free Trial’ approach is important to show the value proposition of your app before they download it. Make sure that the app doesn’t require authentication when it’s in the read-only mode. It is one of the amazing ways to draw in users.
  • Push Notifications: The best mobile application development company in Kolkata advises the developers to opt for Push Notifications. Push Notifications are alerts coming up on the screens of your users to inform them about your latest offers. This is the best way to constantly remind them about the app’s usage. Very few people check the apps they downloaded. In such cases, push notifications keep your users interested by letting them know about the offers from time to time.
  • Deep Linking: Add to the power of your notifications by using Deep Linking. Deep linking is important especially when you’re inviting someone to get into your app. It is also used to direct someone for a specific page or action.
  • Reward Program: Incentivization or Reward Program can lure your audiences. Offer mobile-specific incentives, special promotions, and coupons to increase the downloading and engagement rate of your app. As for instance, if you’ve developed a freemium app, give the users a chance to earn from its usage-based incentives.

The Final Words                       

Create an app that focuses on improving your users’ experience. You may not know much about their behavior. So, any change you’re introducing in your app may either attract or repel them. Therefore, it’s better to not to do all the above-mentioned changes at once. Make the changes one by one. Track their behavior to find out which strategies have worked and which have failed.

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