Interesting Facts: I bet you Never Knew about Corporate Blogging!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018  |

Corporate BloggingCorporate blogging consists of many individual blogs, written and published by a company or organization. It also has a summary blog that incorporates all of the individual blogs. Organizing a corporate blog can create many opportunities for your company or organization to be found online to generate new business. Corporate blogging provides a forum that gives an opportunity to your company leaders and employees to discuss about your company’s target prospects to influence customers. Whether it is corporate blogging or normal blogging – consistency is the key therefore always try to post your blog on daily basis.

Successful blogs provide genuine solutions to your potential customers. The purpose is not to push or force your company’s products, but to provide valuable information to your customers. Remember, the content of your blog must contain some specific keywords that search engines target to find your company.

Corporate Blogging VS Marketing Goals

The aim is to attract prospective buyers and stakeholders, providing info to pre-defined target audiences or buyer personas, drive conversions including social conversions. But the content doesn’t promote any business directly. It should be relevant and informative regarding your product or subject related topics. Corporate blogging serves multiple potential marketing goals such as:

  • Providing Prospective Information
  • Driving Awareness
  • Driving Traffic
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Engaging Target Audiences
  • Generating Leads
  • Building Relationship
  • Community Marketing
  • Feedback
  • Branding Dimension
  • Managing Subscriptions and Registrations

Corporate Blogging is essential parts of almost every social media program and it is also the hub of content marketing strategy. Although content marketing and social media offer much more possibilities than corporate blogging, the focus on content and blogs is natural. The content itself is a social object that people love to discover, watch, read, share, comment and talk about.

Why Corporate Blogging Matters the Most?

Corporate blogging has an impact on digital marketing and social media marketing where customers utilize blogs for research, to share ideas and ask for recommendations. Following points will help you to understand about the brief of corporate blogging:

  • Blogging is a unique way of reaching out to Customers.
  • Blogs help to increase conversation rate between Customers and Companies.
  • An estimated 128 million Americans read blogs.
  • Companies that update blogs several times a day increase traffic and gain new Customers.
  • When customers research products through blogs, purchases are made over 61%.
  • 79% of online shoppers research their products while 50% of their shopping time being spent reading blogs and reviewing websites.
  • Many people are afraid to speak their minds but blogs give them the freedom to express their thoughts and opinions.
  • 57% companies have acquired their customers from blogging.
  • Companies who blog regularly have better relationship with their customers.
  • Frequent blogging establishes trust and positive ways of interaction.
  • Customers are commonly influenced by blogs while purchasing online.
  • Conversation in blogs allowing both Readers and Companies to speak their minds.
  • Blogs allow different groups to work together to increase sales and promote similar concepts and products
  • Blogging is a convenient way to share information and interact with customers personally

The Do’s and Don’ts of Corporate Blogging

The Do’s:

  • Have Clear Objectives.
  • Make Proper Length
  • Use Multimedia Content
  • Have Proper Structure
  • Publish Quality Content

The Don’ts:

  • Don’t Lose your Audience
  • Don’t Use Corporate Jargon
  • Don’t Ignore Typography
  • Don’t do Overly Promotional
  • Don’t Forget to Integrate with Marketing

Businesses and Corporate sectors from all around the globe are successfully using corporate blogs to address various needs of their business. If you follow a set of golden rules, you can make the most out of this useful platform.

10 Successful Corporate Blogging Tips for your Business

Remember that corporate blogging is not a rocket science but with consistency, you can make huge profit through it. Below are 10 important tips that determine the success of blogs:

  • Research and investigate what is important for your audiences. Choose topics that address questions and concerns about your industry.
  • Split up your posts into multiple parts so that no posts are too lengthy and overwhelming for your readers.
  • Highlight your blog to describe your business offerings from their perspective.
  • Creating great content is the first step for your blogging. Use social media, white papers, newsletters and press releases for content marketing.
  • Refer other articles from your site to encourage your readers to spend more time on your blog.
  • Try to read other corporate blogs. Reading will help you to become a better blogger. Besides, you can see what others in your industry are writing about.
  • Research market trends to collect hot topics based on your industry. This helps to boost both your blog posts and knowledge about your industry.
  • Apply plain English. It’s okay to write as you talk. If possible, record yourself speaking about your topic first and then transcribe it.
  • To manage a solid content marketing, use a professional who can handle your content creation to provide your site with fresh, relevant, and compelling content on a regular basis.
  • Always stick to industry topics that apply to your clientele. Because it’s a great way to highlight your business.

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